My name is JJ and I am a solo indie developer. I have fooled around with games since I was a young kid. I know about Mugen, Gamemaker, Blender, GoDot, and Unity. I have always wanted to be able to create my own games but never found a program I wanted to learn except GDevelop. It's the first engine I've actually created something and finished.
G-Develop is a program that allows me to express myself creatively like I never could in the past for several reasons.
When I'm not working, in my spare time I like to write creative fiction, watch monster movies, image editing, sound editing/mixing music and learning about nature and spirituality.
My favorite types of films usually involve lots of Sci-Fi monsters/creepy creature features.
I plan on using G-Develop to make fun games. Primarily based off a novel series I was working on. I'm always learning something new when I have time.